Jim Lahey's no-knead baking method is well known. But making it work with sourdough is really exceptional. I had the luck of a hands-on class with him Saturday afternoon at Sullivan Street Bakery. With Jim's hands literally in some pre-made dough, he spent three...
Our Favorite
Ian Lowe
If you love bread, Ian Lowe is an absolute gem. An American born baker, Ian now lives and works in Tasmania, running APiece bakery, found here on Facebook. It may take a long flight (and even longer sail) to enjoy his baking in person, but...
Waste Not Want Not
Below is a recent shot of Sullivan Street Bakery owner/baker James Lahey. Stopping by to say hello, I found him working on an interesting batch of bread for an event dubbed #waSted. It's a pop up event at Blue Hill which will be devoted to the theme of food waste and...
The Queen’s Malted Loaf
Queen Tami Isaacs Pearce, a London-based micro baker (known for her challah), recently shared her "malt house loaf bread" with me. Termed by Tami "the Omega bomb," from description the bread reminded me of the granary loaves I'd enjoyed while visiting British friends...
Breads Bakery Workshop
Recently baker Uri Scheft (from Manhattan-based Breads Bakery) invited me to join his crew and some students to mix, and shape three different breads. It gave me a great opportunity to see Uri shape his famous challah bread in various braids - from two to six strands....
Kamel Saci
Early last Saturday morning I spent a few hours with bread baker Kamel Saci of Il buco alimentari & vinieria. Instead of our baking together, we shared stories of the business, talking bread and trends as he went about his day and I took photographs. A...
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