Moka maintenance

A friend recently asked me how to  clean a Bialetti moka stove pot coffee maker. Maybe he got the idea of my expertise from photos featuring me and Italian food guru Domenico Bianco. He was kind enough to introduce me to moka afternoon rituals, teaching me the...

Baguette Viennoise

Adapting recipes to sourdough, I came upon this for a classic  baguette Viennoise. It's a breakfast bread or savory-filled roll you can find at boulangeries and cafes in France. It's a butter enriched and soft crumb sweet bread, but fill it with ham and...

Instant Pot

 "slow" cookers are a hit lately; and having  tried previous generations that were bulky and not so handy, I went and forked out some more greenbacks to get an InstantPot 6 Qt Duo Nova. My brother who's a little older then me swears by slow...

Rules Of Croissants

Croissants are not easy to make. There’s a magic to rolling, then folding cold butter into a fermented dough, transforming that substance into an airy, crisp delectable layered bread. Stuck at home with the quarantine led me to do some research on croissant...


Flammekueche is an Alsatian flat bread composed of a flaky, pale white crust which is singed and its edges browned. Though legally part of France, Alsace has strong German roots. Maybe that’s why some would call this baked goodie “German pizza,” as...