Army Recipes

At work, I'm not just the chef. I am also the staff meal coordinator and resident baker. Recently I started using my old U.S. Army recipe cards from back when I was answered as Private Shapiro, Sir! Back in the days when getting creative with ingredients could...

Riso Vialone

Pressed for time one evening, I was recruited by my wife to make some risotto with mushrooms picked up recently at a local farmers' market. Luckily I'd also recently acquired a can of Vialone nano rice. It led to a fabulous meal, the rice toothy and...

Tamale Light

My wife incorporated her diet with bone broth, stock she makes from turkey necks and wings along with a split pigs trotter, and chicken feet for collagen oomph!  Anyway, this past Thanksgiving we used the left-over turkey for tamales with red mole. The meat was...

Sara’s Banana Bread

Sara Owens of BK17 has a fabulous brown butter banana bread recipe made with sourdough. I have tried it twice at work. The kitchen staff loved it, as did customers, even people who didn’t like bananas. Rye-based sourdough was key. This is a keeper…try...


Kolache are a fruit-filled yeasted pastry round whose origins are Eastern European. They were introduced to the United states primarily by Czech immigrant communities in the midwest and Texas. I never actually tried to make them until our accountant at my job asked...