Lahmajoun is an Armenian type dish akin to a pizza. My first time trying it was in Montreal, eating it at a place known for lahmajoun, Chez Apo. The friend who introduced me to it, Chef Michele Forgione, recently reconnected. He was curious if I had any interesting...
Each new bread formula raises my anxiety, as in “how am I gonna do this?” Two things calm me, methods and inspiration. Here’s a method I use to allay fear, benefit of Mick Hartley of Bethesda Baking fame. So far as inspiration, my baking muse for...
The holidays led to spending a lot of time with lievito madre, the wonderful sourdough foundation of baking panettone. Refreshed and bathed to cleanse residual acidity, it demands three-hour feeds that are cycled in-between for double mixes. It comes with the need to...
A few years ago I left New York City and my Sunnyside apartment for a bread class in Norwich Vermont, home of King Arthur baking and flour. It also was home to King Arthur's Master baker, Jeffrey Hamelman. Recently I fished out my notes from the class to make his...
When an old friend from Australia sends you a jar of vegemite, you chuckle and then dig into this traditional Aussie favorite (a tucker), best enjoyed on your toast, Pure umami! It's made using an autolysis extract, separating yeast from beer waste...