Two summers ago I met Pierre Ragot at his boulangerie in Marseille. I’d heard of him through our common friend Thierry Delabre. While I tried to speak some French, he joked about my lack of linguistic skill, simultaneously sharing his plans to open more places...
I'm a coffee junkie. I own an espresso machine, a Bialetti moka pot, and now a Vietnamese Phin filter. I always remembered seeing these Phin filters while visiting my favorite pho place on Chinatown's Baxter street. But for whatever reason I had never...
I met Ugo Perret-gallix on Bro @BreadRevolutionorganization on Facebook, what inspired me was his bread, but also that he’s a chef de cuisine too. On top of being a fantastic baker he also is working in Japan in a top end Tokyo restaurant, Esquisse. I decided to...
I’m addicted to this grain. Or obsessed. Whatever, it’s worth an addiction by anyone who loves bread. With various names in the world, enkir, piccolo farro, petite épautre, it’s known as one the worlds first domesticated plants. It has multiple...
It's the beginning of summer, time for a favorite sweet bread for the masses. Looking at my files, I found Pane Cioccolato (chocolate bread) a formula from Nancy Silverton's La Brea book.This last bit of leftover dough was turned into two batards....