Bob Perry

Bob Perry

      I met Kentuckian Bob Perry at a charcuterie event in Flushing New York. I was actually introduced to him by my former sous-chef, Bob Del Grasso, who now lives and works in rural Pennsylvania (here’s his blog). Later Perry reached out to...

Liverpool House

Visiting Montreal, one of our goals was a dinner at Joe Beef. Finding it was booked, we decided to try its partner restaurant, Liverpool House. Arriving there after a six hour airport travail (COVID, lines, a multitude of time-stealing boring details) we were late for...


On a whim, we picked Montreal for our August vacation. Why not? It’s full of great chefs, bakers, markets, and the wonderful colloquial Quebecois French. Honestly, we most wanted a chance to visit my good friend Domenico and his new family. It was a great trip...


My latest project was ciabatta, the slipper bread of the eighties. My take was its popularity came in response to answer to the fashion of the era, French baguettes. With stronger flour, more water that gave bigger alveoli to the baked dough, it seemed a good idea for...

Michael James

          Tivoli Bread is one of my prized baking books, a treasure trove of beautiful photographs and precise recipes. I decided to ask its author, Michael James, to share his stories and thoughts on baking and cooking on Stir the Pots....