Recent Posts Bakers Bread Chefs Restaurants Interviews About Contact Us A Stir The Pots Post Hot Dog My father’s family were working class East European Jews who came to America and settled in the manufacturing towns of upper Connecticut. Typical of those who...
With the recent price hike in eggs, I turned to making Challah. It’s a bread that starts with a dough that can even be made without eggs (just ask Reddit!). It’s also a bread with wide regional and historic roots, spreading among the Jews around two of...
As noted, I’ve got some nice bags of Swiss flour that I’ve often used on my vacations at my sister’s house in Basel. This time, the whole family was visiting us in our city. Years ago, she took me on a rainy morning through a farm field and dark woods to an ancient...
Pan de Yuca The cassava plants found in Africa and Latin America can produce a gluten free (GF) starch useful in all sorts of preparations, including breads like the one above, a bun known as Pan de Yuca (bread from Yuca). In New York City (especially my borough of...
Pretzels, or Brezeln, are the iconic knot-shaped bread from Germanic origins that I can’t get enough of, especially when served with butter, ham, and a cold beer. During my time in Germany, they were a staple found in kiosks and beer halls. On my recent trip to...