Recently I felt like only posting pictures. No paragraphs. No sentences. Not a word. Simply click and upload a beautiful naked pizza pie. Sometimes a picture says a lot more than even ten million – nevermind ten thousand words. At least of mine. But trying to shake off the Lazy Baker moniker I gave myself, I’ve been taking notes. Or at least remembering “bullet points” to share. My latest project to share is, accordingly, pizza.
A fun and friendly food, it hits a comfort zone and has so many different toppings as well as shapes. And though I am mad about sourdough, and have had some good success with pizza, I can say yeasted dough isn’t that bad either. More key is the heat source that can make or break a the sought-for pie. At home your pizzas will take on that chubby look, pale in comparison to those fluffy charred specimens for which great pizzaiolas are known.
Though the pies cooked in my home kitchen are good, I still wanted to make a pizza at work to genuinely compare to the best; up-skirt, puffed and crisp blackened edges with a bit of pride. In my experience, pizza like bread has parameters, style’s and toppings,hydration, etc… but it’s a pretty loosely interpreted craft that has re-awakened both amateur bakers and aficionados around the globe. Like the homebakers crafting a loaf, pizza is just an extension or nearby cousin, and worth the investigation. I mean, who doesn’t like pizza?