A Stir The Pots Post

For the love of pizza!

by | Nov 20, 2010 | Food, Pizza

You know those food warnings on labels; carbs, fat, etc.? All those media hyped stories on the evils of this and that – well, it's enough to make you just stop eating. Or you can do what I do, just live and pay less attention to the 24-hour media cycle. Yet there can be a lesson learned.

As some of you may know, I love pizza. Sometimes attempt more nutritious dough formulas, both yeasted or naturally leavened. But in truth, there's nothing better then an airy crust with some fabulous topping. It's simple and so comforting. Barraged by a big lunch at work the other day, and getting prep done for an evening event, I looked at what the staff was eating and headed straight for my pizza dough.

It was a great alternative to the regular over-cooked meat dishes my cooks usually prepare for staff meals. A  pizza made in my work kitchen's broiler oven (which can hit 800 + degrees Faranheit!) is a great alternative.  I stretched my dough, put on some tomato sauce, sliced up some leftover meatballs from the previous day's lunch, popped on some fresh mozzarella and boom…. ended up with a lovely pizza, though it did burn my lip and chin.


Holy cannoli, who would of thought a 3rd degree burn from a bit of dough, cheese, an excess of gluttony? Be warned, though it was worth the pain. 



  1. Norbert Vollkornbrot

    Hi Jeremy, I love this post, you write so well about food, and those pics…what do you do? Take pictures of every damn thing you cook? You nut! I love it.
    Now hear this:
    My old blog address is still on your list, if you can manage the time Jeremy, could you please change the address to:
    Thanks Jeremy, all my best, keep posting these wonderful articles, I will keep reading them.
    David Aplin

  2. Anna Johnston

    You gotta make me one of these pizza’s, I’m a fool for pizza, nothing like a pizza done just like this… Oh OK…, I’m gushing, right.., but seriously… fresh mozza & meatball pizza…. heaven 😉


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