Visiting my mom in Connecticut recently, we cooked pasta for dinner. It got me thinking about making a bread with a grain used traditionally for pasta, namely semolina. But in Italy semolina is used for both bread and pasta, the trick in the grain's usage being how it's milled. The dinner left me thinking of Italy. And so I decided to make a semolina bread. Since my leavins were back home in New York, I opted to use commercial yeast. To my fellow sourdough evangelists, forgive me.
Gathering a recipe from JoeVa's blog, on The Fresh Loaf, and some assistance direct from Italy via fellow baker Angela Musci, (who turned out to be making a similar bread simultaneously), here's what turned out.
The dough was light and airy and the crumb had some nice alveolage. While it might have used a bit more of a final rise, it was not bad for pasta grade semolina and just a bit of yeast. The next day I sliced a piece and slathered some butter from Parma on my piece, mmmmm Che buono!