A Stir The Pots Post

Faux gras from Michel Richard

by | Sep 5, 2011 | Uncategorized


Chicken livers. Who doesn't like them? Okay, there are some people, but that group doesn't include me. I love the old style Jewish deli version. But I also like the Frenchified smooth liver pate or mousse. Below is a version I whipped up is from a Michel Richard recipe, who I just visited in D.C. at his restaurant Central Michel Richard. Unfortunately I didn't find it on the menu! So to recompense and award myself a treat, I pulled out my copy of his cookbook Happy in the Kitchen. 

Lacking in heavy cream, I substituted with mascarpone, technically a cream cheese…well, whatever! This is a butter rich dish, hence, it's called faux gras – to make you aware that it's not foie gras. Here is the recipe. Oh, I also failed to make the cucumber parsley gelee. I didn't have any gelatin around and I started noshing pretty soon after for a light salad tartine dinner. Next time….



1 Comment

  1. Maureen

    This looks wonderful, even without the cucumber parsley gelee 🙂


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