I have failed baking landbrot bread. All to say, I went 100 percent roggenmischbrot, (100 percent rye, with mixed grains). Maybe becasue I've been having an omega craving – satisfying it with everything from pickled herring to Spanish bouquerones. I needed that familiar tang of rye to superimpose on my bites into smoked fish.
The loaves below were baked with a straight-forward formula from that amazing Roggen book by Ines Gromes/ Olaf Bauerman. It's a bit intimidating with German formulas; first the language, the long and short fermentations, the all rye quotient. But I think I did well, even if the crumb is a bit tight. This bread was marvelous, and allowed me to indulge my impatience, quickly slicing off some for a snack of pickled herring and smoked meat with cheese. A great nosh, indeed!
This roggenmisch uses all sorts of different grinds of rye, and is mixed for about 10 minutes, then given a short rest of 20 minutes bulk fermentation. From there I used small loaf pans to make little misches about 360g weight, designed for friends and neighbors. Using a bit of yeast (pretty common in German baking along with the sauerteig), the final ferment was about 70 minutes. Very hot oven, close to 460 F and with some steam.
I baked it for 45-50 minutes, then lowered the temperature to about 420 F until the loaves were nicely brown colored.
Quite often with rye, you want to let it rest a day or two wrapped in a towel so the crumb can set…..Not me, this needed something on it, and I was craving a good rye!
MMMMmmmm now I want some rye, thanks for posting Jeremy, looks delish….