A Stir The Pots Post

Pain de tradition Française

by | Mar 5, 2012 | Bread

Finding a formula recently for "Pain de tradition Française," (traditional French bread), I wondered what exactly that meant. Quite often I peruse this site for pastry and bread baking professionals, and often find formulas calling for "farine traditionelle," which means traditional French flour.

Well, today you can source French styled flours online, or you can do like me, namely mimic freshly milled French flour by mixing 25 percent whole wheat to white. Unless, of course, you are getting locally sourced flour, too! But there are other traditional ingredients codified for this specific bread as defined here.

And getting good results, it is essential to make a dough that is flexible but strong. How? Flexibility is obtained with "autolyse" and "bassinage," a secondary hydration, bulk fermentation, and the folding in which strength is obtained. Finally there is the  pre-shaping, final ferment and lastly the bake.


Glad my mini bread oven made just the space available for a demi-baguette too!


This is dedicated to Team USA at Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie Paris.

1 Comment

  1. Flo Makanai

    Lovely breads, and above all cooked in a small oven, bravo!


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