For anyone who loves bread and baking, check out this wonderfully stylish magazine called Bread, whose recent issue includes a profile of Jeremy. Bread describes itself as is for “people who see bread as the king of the dinner table and who understand that breaking good bread with friends means that most things are well in life.”
Bread is published by a company called Insanely Interested, a “micro-publisher” that creates digital magazines for targeted interests. like baking. The entire operation comes from the fertile imagination (and can-do spirit) of a man named Jarrko Laine. He’s doing some very cool stuff, like creating publications such as Bread.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Field, the co-founder and publisher of Stir the Pots. I don’t normally show up here but Jeremy’s too busy working at his full time job to post today, and I figured we should blow his bugle, as well as that of Insanely Interested. Thanks Jarko! Keep producing insanely interesting media like Bread. We’re delighted to be part of it.
Thanks for the mention, Jonathan! And big thanks to Jeremy for the interview. It was great to have you in this issue.