With the recent price hike in eggs, I turned to making Challah. It’s a bread that starts with a dough that can even be made without eggs (just ask Reddit!). It’s also a bread with wide regional and historic roots, spreading among the Jews around two of our diaspora communities; the Sephardim (mainly in Southern Europe and North Africa) and the Ashkanazi (Northern and Eastern Europe. Worth noting, it’s a bread baked traditionally to celebrate the sabbath.
In truth, it’s basically a brioche. And like all brioche, Challah is unctuous and fluffy, radiating that lovely feeling that butter leaves in the mouth (and soul!). But even non-dairy vegan Challahs can offer a lovely airy crumb that makes a nestling cradle for any topping. Until the price of eggs makes them more affordable, I will be leaning toward breads like Challah, which are sort of a peasant form of cake. And… require fewer eggs.