Twelve years ago at the end of August, a storm moved up the east-coast seaboard from the West Indies, battering New York City. Hurricane Irene swept through the city on a weekend when I was registered for a workshop with baker Gregoire Michaud. While it flooded the city’s streets, and led to a cancellation of the class, it gave me a chance to hang out with this wonderful pastry chef.
Walking through the windswept city, we searched for an open bar or tavern. The Swiss-born baker wanted Mojitos, perhaps inspired by the hurricane that had traveled from the Caribbean. Michaud had already made a name as a published author of four books, as well as creating a sterling reputation in Asia as pastry chef at Hong Kong’s Four Season’s Hotel. I thanked my luck for the Hurricane that gave me a chance to hang out with this wonderful man.
A month earlier, before we ever met, Michaud had agreed to do an interview with Stir the Pots. Now a month later, the storm gave me a chance to just hang out with the man. Whatever the weather, it was a wonderful treat. Since then, Michaud has moved on to open bakehouse, a celebrated artisanal bakery. It is with great pleasure that we repost that early interview today.