For me, Dieter Schorner signified a past that was distant but so relevant to anyone running a restaurant. Originally from Bavaria, Dieter baked pastries for everyone from plebians (like me) to high-and-mighty figures such as Jacqueline Onassis and Henry Kissinger. The New York Times once celebrated him as New York City’s “most masterful pastry chef.”
Responsible for the modern celebration of creme brulee, he ran kitchens everywhere from New York to Washington D.C. In his later years, he left the restaurant business to teach at the Culinary Insitute of America. While I never had the chance to work with him, a student of his introduced me to some of his chocolates. They were magnificent. In 2008 I had a chance to interview him for Stir the Pots. Dieter passed away in 20s0 but I wanted to repost the interview as it was a real treat. Enjoy!