A Stir The Pots Post

Quarantine Challenge

by | May 5, 2020 | Baking, Bread, levain

The 20th century had biker gangs. Well, the 21st century war against Covid inspired baker gangs. My friend Thierry has a new one. Bro Members (bread) is a collection of world wide bakers confined by the quarantined to baking at home! Here's how we tough bakers roll. It's a rumble in the kitchen. First up, Thierry faced me off against Chicago-based baker Romain Dufour. Given we're more effete fancy-pants than any off-the-shelf Harley-dudes, we start our battles with a little friendly tete-a-tete discussion. And then? It's on!

Here's how my challenge went, all video-taped and delivered to Romain, Thierry, as well as my fellow Bros. And now to you. Inspired by a Tasmanian bakery (who often inspires me called Apiece of bread) below is a video of what I made. In the next few weeks, after getting "an okay" from my bros, I'll share some of their videos. 




Final shape from Jeremy Shapiro on Vimeo.



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