Assumption Day in Lyon and nowhere to eat. Why not Bocuse? Ok, so even if I did leave the following day on the TGV and pass his namesake restaurant at Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or, while leaving Lyon; we made up for it by trying Brasserie le Sud a Mediterranean influenced menu on the Place Bellcour on a moonlit night Download CARTE-SUD-1-1. Though I yearned for some more local Lyonnaise Buchon style eats, I was hungry. Service at first was jumpy and my olives served with my aperitif were taken by the busboy before I could jab a toothpick into its green flesh…
All said, the food was exceptionally good and refreshing. I told the waitress to try slowing down, as her quick hands led to the lovely olives escaping the kiss from my lips. She brought me more olives. Here’s what we else we ate.