A Stir The Pots Post

Acorn Flour

by | Aug 10, 2016 | Bread

I gave my first test to a batch of acorn bread, shared recently here by Barbara. Having ordered the acorn flour online, it arrived early afternoon. Using a vigorous levain, I started my first bake with it a few hours later, then baked late that night. The results were great, especially the strength and wobbly dough that came out into a crisp crust and beautifully gelatinous soft crumb. Here it is!



  1. Karin Anderson

    Interesting – I had no idea you could buy acorn flour at all. I read a post by William Rubel about how to leach ground acorns, and thought it would be fun to try it out.

  2. Jonitin

    Processing is something I’m working at now with nixmalization, wonder if that would work? Flour was easy to get and it’s got some vitamins that made this loaf go boom!


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