A Stir The Pots Post

Sunrise Flour

by | Jul 14, 2015 | Bread, Flour, miller

Sunrise Flour Mills, located in Minnesota, makes great flours. I only found out from an Italian baker living in Sweden named Barbara Elisi. I ended up ordering four bags of their Red Fife Bolted and Turkey Red, both refined wheat. So far I’ve had some amazing results. It shows you that these days, a wired world yields word-of-mouth recognition.  It’s using the product that will prove the rumors. Sunrise Flours proved it to me. Thanks, Barbara Elisi. I hope you will try them and thank her, too.




  1. Marty

    Thanks, Jeremy! You’re right about wired, and spoken, word of mouth. Your bread looks wonderful – great ears and crumb! And, yes, many thanks to Barbara. I just wish we could find a less expensive way to ship it to her. Have you tried making pasta with these flours? They both do really well – Turkey Red if you want white, Red Fife if you don’t care. You can do it with or without eggs, and water. It has great flavor and chewy texture. We are talking to sfoglini.com in Brooklyn about making pasta for us. If you’re ever out their way you could put in a good word for us.

  2. Jonitin

    Hey Marty, my pleasure need a fast delivery pronto…and sure I make pasta, when I return from my vacation I’d be glad to give it a try for egg and water pasta!


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