A Stir The Pots Post

Extreme – A Bread

by | Apr 15, 2015 | Bread

Extreme is the name of a Basque country bread I fell in love eating while visiting Spain’s Donostia (aka San Sebastian) area three summers ago. With coaching from Egoitz Fagus, a friend made on that visit, I have tried several times of replicating this bread back in New York. The results have been spotty. This past week I have finally seemed to crack the code. Though it may have come from a mistake (more water than called for), the dough finally felt good in my hands, more wet than dry. All to say, it’s not always the percentages in baking, it’s the feel! Cheers to a good bake and good friends in bread!

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  1. alexandre bettler

    hello, i would be curious to try this recipe, any chance to share the percentages / timings? thanks, xx alex

  2. Jonitin

    Two variables Alexandre Winter more levain 52%….Spring and summer around 32% or you can do extreme with very little levain, down to 5% and let it proof long and slow.. Flour is 100% wheat or you can play by adding some whole grain and even rye… water is in the 55%-to 58% range.. adelante..

  3. Janet

    Nice looking bread!


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