A Stir The Pots Post

Totally Tortilla

by | Mar 29, 2011 | Eggs, Food

My brother, also a chef, once said "the egg is a perfect food in a shell." He's right. I've been cooking eggs a long time. Back in my army days, I cooked thousands of eggs a day. Later, I did the same working as a hotel breakfast cook. And then, of course, I've cooked a lot of eggs at home. One particular egg favorite is a tortilla Espanola, which is basically eggs, potatoes, and onion with lots of olive oil. When perfectly cooked, it makes for spherical golden goodness!


The tortilla is great, Spanish-style comfort food. For anytime, with any sort of accompaniment, hot or room temperature, snack or breakfast, lunch or even for tapas. My recipe is below.



Tortilla Espanola

3 scrambled eggs

2 waxy potatoes, diced into finger nail size, (your pinkie!)

1 small onion finley diced

Olive oil, copious amounts, but don't drown or deep fry!

Frying pan….

Salt, pepper, pimenton if your into smokey paprika?

This is just a general road map, try it, you'll really like the result!


  1. Teresa

    Yummy! That is a tortilla worth trying!

  2. Ivana

    Tortilla! it’s delicious!


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