A Stir The Pots Post

Pugliese Bread (hybrid)

by | Feb 13, 2011 | Bread, Pane Pugliese


After picking up some spicey sopressata from Sorriso's, I decided I had to match it by baking a Pugliese bread. Pugliese bread is a simple white loaf; full of bubbles, and usually made from a yeasted biga with a healthy 85 percent hydration.  The formula below is from my class at French Culinary Institute's international bread course years ago.

My sourdough has been slightly off of late, but I managed to make it work with double feed of this sourdough converted adaption. Mind you, I snuck in some miniscule bit of yeast for extra insurance, about 2grams just for a bit of push. To my surprise this loaf came out perfect, with even a slight singe on the top, or brusciato, touch of caramelization through and through!


650 gram Loaf

266 flour A.P.

186g Water

133g Biga naturale

8 g salt


Autolyse flour and water about 25 minutes to an hour. Mix at first speed by mixer or use your favorite method of mixing, hand or machine? Add in the biga and salt mix till you get a nice windowpane in the dough. Then finally mixing at second speed for about two minutes.

Bulk Proof 1-1/2 hours , pre-shape, round or filone. Final shaping and proof about 2 hours. I baked this in a pre-heated Creuset pot  with the lid on for 20 minutes at 450 F and without lid for 15 minutes.



  1. Hans Joakim

    That’s beautiful, Jeremy.

  2. Anna Johnston

    Brilliant, I love this stuff…. 🙂

  3. Jeremy

    Hans Joakim…thanks to your helping me find the right touch!
    Anna, got to make it down to Tasmania one day, maybe to live?
    Angie…interesting..savory and sweet!

  4. MC

    Gorgeous loaf, Jeremy!


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