A Stir The Pots Post

Antico pane (a heretic’s assignment!)

by | Jan 2, 2011 | Bread, Pane di Altamura

Stir the Pots' 2011 New Year's resolution; this will be the year for breads of the world. Helping us out, I just met a bread baker from Italy who passed on a recipe for D.O.P. Pane di Altamura… Wow, what a pedigreed loaf composed of 100 percent semola rimacinata, a fine ground durum wheat. Unfortunately, I only had about 70 grams left in a bag I bought from my salume, Frank of Sorriso's Italian Pork Store. It was a challenge. Soooo… digging deep into a useful nearby bag of tricks (namely invention-by-necessity), I replaced the rest of said semolina with kamut, which hails from Asia Minor as opposed to what's found in Mediterranean major. 


Is that brilliance, courage, or an insult to Italy, by my mother's blood, part of my own anscestral nation? Hopefully, it's the first two. Actually, I left the the answer up to the same  chef who gave me the bread recipe, Angela Musci from Bari whose wonderful baking inspired me to take a plunge and try this. She goaded me by saying, "we need eretici," or translated "we need heresy!"


It got worse….I didn't have any semolina starter, so chancing that I was flying face first towards a 400 degree visit to Dante's inferno, I used my white starter! May the heavens forgive me. Just in case the heavens weren't so kind, I Googled Pane di Altamura, finding a few interesting guides for traditional shapes here. Though the final look of the bread make it look more rustic then wanted, I realize that his kamut is a grain I will continue to master. As for the pane, it's actually light and has a wonderful smell. Moral of this heresy? Good things come from baking or, "il pane che viene dal forno che è caldo come l'inferno!"






  1. Oliverde

    Great video! Wish I could understand Italian better, alas….bread looks amazing too.

  2. Jeremy

    Grazie mille Angie,
    Questo pane è fantastico ed è ancora fresco, abbrustolito oggi e l’aveva con del formaggio di capra francese favolosi!
    Sarà vi chiedono più orientamento, essere sicuri di che!
    Hi Oliverde,
    Thanks for stopping by, the videos are still a great guide…gives insight on shaping!

  3. MC

    What an interesting and beautiful loaf! Well done, Jeremy! I am looking forward to traveling with you around the world of bread. I adore the taste of kamut too. So I will definitely try your version…


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