A Stir The Pots Post

Le pain sauve les vies

by | Sep 12, 2010 | Baking, Bread, Restaurants

No, this isn’t a call out to S&M. It’s a rave for bread, “pain” the French word for our beloved loaves.  Today I spotted this street graffiti while on a mission, bringing supplies my hard working friend and fellow blogger, Shuna Fish Lydon. She’s the pastry chef at the newly bustling Bowery restaurant/bakery Peels.


As a kitchen worker, it’s often difficult to eat in our profession.
Sometimes there are no breaks in between service. You’re frequently too
tired, or lack interest in the “staff meal,” or just yearning for
something different than what’s being prepared in your kitchen.


I got a message from Shuna this week. She was craving peanut butter
sandwiches. I like peanut butter with the right bread. So I brought her
some loaves. And on the way spotted the sign. Kind of captures the




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