A Stir The Pots Post

Pain du jour

by | Apr 25, 2010 | Uncategorized


After a long week at work, I was itching to play with some dough. And finally I found some time. My recent miche was at the nub, drying quickly. So I had some teff levain, just on the cusp of "use me or lose me." Took some more advice from Shiao-Ping, who herself admired Flo's Makanai's  1,2,3 bread method. Which is basically just one part levain, two parts water, three parts flour. It's simple and efficient, especially in a pinch.

Anyway, mixed my dough, giving it a a short bulk proof, around an hour. Then into a banneton. Then into the fridge. Then I went to sleep. It was midnight! Next day I didn't get the loaf out till at least 7 that evening. But I popped it into a creuset that had been pre-heated at about 450 F degrees for 20-30 minutes, baked it for about 35 with the lid and 15 lid off at about 400 degrees and… well,here are the results.

Taste: mild, but full of nuances, probably from the teff, white whole wheat and spelt.

Texture: Chewy and full of airy crumb, great for ham and asiago cheese with which I just made a sandwich.

As you may have gathered from my previous posts on bread, I bake at weird intervals and at totally impromptu pace. So I can only pass on this bit of advice; feed your starters and bake it if you got it.

This will be sent in to Susan at Wildyeast for yeastspotting. 


  1. Shiao-Ping

    Handsome looking bread! A pain du jour for vin du jour.

  2. Nick

    Wow, very nice looking design. Im just starting to make a starter myself. Beauty breads like this one make for great inspiration.

  3. Mimi

    I think you are my hero this week. I’ve been known not to bake bread because I want to at strange hours. You did it!!

  4. Joanne

    Haha I like your advice! Proves that bread baking is not as stringent and ordered as well all think. Beautiful loaf!

  5. Flo Makanai

    I would happily bite into that pain du jour!
    Have a great day 🙂


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