Today was a sad day, we had to euthanize our cat Kika, she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year and we didn’t give her much of a chance, but she managed with some pills that let her regain some strength and a little more time. We got this little cat from a pet store just 12 years ago when we moved to this apartment we still inhabit. Over those 12 years she has been a source of love and sometimes companion while I cooked in the kitchen, I will sincerely miss her meows, her purring and just her wonderful and precocious manner! (Her name came from the Almodovar film “Kika”)
Dear Jeremy.
In knew you Kika. I hab a pic of her on my harddisc. She played with the most delicious rolls, mouse shaped rolls… 😉 I lost my tomcat Sylvester too after 12 years. Almost the same fate. Strange thing somehow.
Anyway, good to see that your sourdoughs are still alive. Love your miches. Hey and your wood fired oven is great. In an NYC Appartment? I ve to study your blog carfully. Great!