Dieter Schorner
I recall first seeing Dieter Schorner in my bread class one Saturday morning about 10- years ago, he left some samples that we enthusiastically polished off! Chef Jacques Torres told us to try the Danish pastries, we didn’t need much encouragement either. They were toothsome crisp layers of buttery dough married with pistachio paste and sugar glaze, it was sublime yet so simple. A few weeks later when I befriended a German student from his class, we exchanged stories about cooking and our mutual link to Germany, he kindly left me copies of Chef Schorner’s recipes a literal treasure trove!
I can tell you his brownies with cherries soaked in orange juice are addictive, his stollen simple fruit and nut filled pieces of manna. So when I received e-mail from him that he would be available to speak to me, I was like a kid in a candy shop. First his knowledge is worth its weight in gold, his storytelling from a different era with anecdotes that are well placed for a complacent generation! As for the knuckle headed publisher who said he wasn’t current, he should have his head examined! Chef Dieter is a living book of pastry and life experiences and I can’t wait for a copy!